
Nuclear Physics

Weather forecasting

  TIME Simply.

What is time?

How about hm =E=h/T(Light waves the best oscillators).

T=(h/E)=(1/1)=1 second

when E=h=10-22J

This is critical to understand that one second (arbitrarily defined) is defined as when the Energy is h.

E=h at one second (Energy =h at one second).

So time is lots of h’s. Time of 1 second means one h value. Conversely h=the energy of one second in all the equations featuring h.

In a clock time increases as Energy decreases (spring or battery).

For time to decrease Energy would increase.

T=h/E  and  (ò)T=(ò)(h/E)     where ò is delta or change in Energy, Time ect.

Watch now because those deltas introduce time being able to go backward or forward.

Some examples:

The sun would be losing energy --time would go forwards.

The earth would be gaining energy--time would go backwards.

People lose energy--time goes forwards.

Space does nothing--time stops.

A black hole absorbs energy--time would go backwards.

A Quaser or super nova lose energy very fast---they jump to the future very fast.

We can say in the equations that this E (and time associated) is dependant on Enthalpy and Entropy and Temperature.

(ò)E=(ò)H-Temp(ò)S   just for info.


If one goes through 3 green lights in ones car one can predict the next will most probable be a red. If on the roulette wheel black came up 3 times the next will probably be red.

 One has to take history into account as causing FATE or a predictable future.

Current probability and chance math doesn't take history into account.