
                    Nuclear Physics



Weather Forecasting.

From the basic ideas that there are are three Low belts one at the equator one at each tropic and ignoring the high belts as resulting from the lowbelts I concentrate then on these lowbelts simply interacting with each other simply the maths of interfering sine waves.

Sine waves are described by there wavelength (in days) as each low pressure system goes across. This is taken from the size of the oceanic crossing this is different (seen on map of the continents) for

1) Tropic lowbelts.

2) Equator lowbelt.

The bigger time over the ocean produces the bigger low cell.

These two belts Tropic and Equator interact—there separate equations added together. THIS GIVES THE WEATHER. Further added to the seasons curve for the year.



Weather Forecasting—Temperature and Pressure—The math!



The Math for the seasons is

Asin[{(y/365)x360}-90] A=Amplitude

Y=Day of the year starting

1st January.



our low belt



The Math for our low belt is

5days(this would have

to be taken from

Temperature charts.

This is the size of

Low cell estimated from

Length of ocean





Y=Day of the year

Ф=initial calibration



Equater low belt

Wavelength determined by

Size of ocean crossing at

The equator relative to

Size of crossing at

The tropics.

The Math for the Equator low belt is





Y=day of year

И=initial conditions

These three equations added up will forecast the weather once initialized all this does is predict the basic oscillations and can predict severe weather coming a month away.

It would be best to write this into a computer program. And can be tested by predicting past Temperatures/Pressures.


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